My 10’ZEN card


The 10'ZEN card is intended for commuters who work remotely, and for infrequent travellers travelling 2-3 times a week. It contains a balance of 10 journeys valid for 1 month in 1st or 2nd class on AL BORAQ or TNR and AL ATLAS trains.

My 10’ZEN savings

The 10'ZEN card saves me 10% on my travel budget.

My 10’ZEN benefit

  • Personalized travel management. I manage my trips at my own pace.
  • 10% savings on my travel budget.
  • Remote booking on the website

How to use the 10'ZEN card

+ Buy a 10’ZEN card
  1. I go to the subscription office at the nearest station
  2. I fill in the registration form
  3. I provide a valid ID and a photo
  4. I pay for my card according to the route chosen
  5. I collect my card and use it as I wish
+ Buy a ticket with a 10’ZEN card
  1. I prepare my journey on the website, by consulting the timetables and choosing my train
  2. I book my trip on the same site or by going to the station
  3. When my departure time arrives, I go to the station and take my train
  4. When asked to show my ticket on the train, I don't forget to show my card and valid reservation *
  5. Reservations are automatically deducted from my balance. Once my balance or my card expired, I renew my "10'ZEN" subscription

 * Any customer presenting a card without a valid reservation or a valid reservation without a card is considered to be in an irregular situation.

I have a 10'ZEN card

I book my ticket