Promoting balance between the environment, the economy and society
For ONCF, promoting sustainable development principles and implementing them is the focus of our Corporate Social Responsibility. Our efforts can be seen in the creation of responsible and shared values, environmental management and a renovated social pact for stakeholders.
Creating responsible and shared values
Rail continues to show its intrinsic value for society as a means of transport with a myriad of undeniable advantages for the community: safety, mass transport, energy and space saving, as well as respect for the environment.
Choose Efficient and Integrated Environmental Management
ONCF continues to work towards its commitment both to the environment and company progress. The Group uses a system of energy management, saving energy and using renewable sources of energy, as well as the development of a circular economy.
Energy management system
Conforming to the ISO 50001 standard, this system contributes to improving energy performance, optimizing the use of available energy sources and promoting the use of alternative energy.
Energy savings and renewable energy
In 2016 during the COP22, ONCF signed a memorandum of understanding with NAREVA for the purchase of wind energy to cover 50% of the Group’s needs. In the spirit of the Morocco’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions (17% by 2030 and 42% on condition of financial support); ONCF is committed to reducing its own emissions by 10% by 2020.
For the creation of its carbon assessment, ONCF demonstrated clearly how rail transport contributes to 0.47% of overall greenhouse gas emissions in Morocco, and 2.6% in the transport sector and all of this for a market share of 8.5%.
Environmental responsibility, Always supporting the Clean beaches Program
A socially responsible company, ONCF is aware of the strategic importance that the environment holds for the development of Morocco. The company participates in the Clean Beaches program, started by the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection under the presidency of Her Royal Highness, Princess Lalla Hasna.
This program is a way to promote the coastline in terms of infrastructure, facilities, hygiene, and safety thanks to the involvement and commitment of public and private companies, local communities and authorities. Thanks to the work carried out at the Asilah and Ksar Sghir beach, ONCF has contributed to protecting the environment, participating in education and raising awareness on environmental protection all while incorporating it into its work as part of sustainable development.
Circular economy
ONCF adheres to the principles of a circular economy with the aim of controlling industrial risks, reducing consumption of natural resources and preserving biodiversity. The company thus works to recycle all materials, trying to find value in waste of all sorts (electronic, paper, textiles, etc.) and participating in its reuse.
Communicating Harmoniously for the Benefit of All
Our employees are at the core of ONCF’s success and of our operational and financial results. Employee well-being and growth, made possible by good working conditions, ensure that the Group can continually grow around a shared culture of innovation and performance.
Over several years, the Group has completely overhauled its methods of managing human capital through a recruitment policy based on equality, training policies adapted to new company needs and projects specifically focused on employee well-being.
The Group, in line with its policy of inclusive management has recently renewed its memorandum of understanding with social partners.